Good Friday Morning. Tootsie is celebrating Fertilizer Friday and I am joining the party. This is the day set aside to remind you to fertilize those babies for some awesome blooms. Ya'll go check out who else is joining the party.
I will be fertilizing today. I don't like to fertilize my plants when we are experiencing dry conditions. We have rain in the forecast for the next 5 days.
I needed to start with a flower and I didn't load things quite like I wanted. This azalea is not done yet.
Seedlings are doing very well. I water everything nearly everyday. Hollyhocks growing like crazy.
Okra Hibuscus is doing very well. Thanks Darla.
I wanted to share how the gardens are filling up now.
I have daffodils, cosmos, hollyhocks, red and yellow cannas, zinnias, milkweed, dahlias, sweet peas, phlox, peony and snapdragon in this bed so far. I will be adding just a couple of others to this bed.
Full view of the same garden.
This is a different garden (didn't load in the right order). Blue forget-me-nots - thanks Darla.
Shasta daisy's doing well.
The bigger picture here. Here I see forget-me-nots, lupines, okra hibuscus, hydrangea, dusty miller, yellow violas, breadseed poppies, blue geranium, iris and a couple more - can't remember them all.
Here there are begonias, dianthus, iris, red melon poppies, shasta daisy, and zinnias.
Trimmed the pansy's back a few days ago and now they are going to show out again. Loaded with buds.
Johnsons Blue Geranium is beginning to bloom. It is loaded with buds now. Blur...yuk
The daffodils are not thru blooming. The flowers that keep on giving.
I'm sure that most of you have heard the news of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This is setting up to be the worst disaster. This will have far reaching affects to the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida. Alabama is preparing but about all they are doing now is putting out booms to try to deter the oil. They have been using the word 'if' a lot but this is not an IF situation. This is a WHEN will the oil impact us by reaching our beaches. The magnitude of this disaster will effect not only the fishing, shrimping but the sport of fishing. Dauphin Island is the home to several tournaments. It will effect the tourism, all the way down to the little man trying to make a living. Devasting this will be. Alaska is still recovering from the Valdez spill. This is of great to everyone who lives here on the coast of Alabama and the other state that will be effected. Our government is dragging their feet just like they did during the Hurricane Katrina Disaster. BP should have realized the magnitude of the oil that continued to spew from the well right after the disaster instead of waiting 4 days for the spill to be measured at 1000 barrells and 4 days later determined to be 5000 barrells a day. They are talking that it could take 3 months to construct an underground something that will cap the oil that is presently leaking.
The eco system will be devasted. The animals could be covered in oil just like in the photos we saw back in the 80's when the Valdez spilled. The birds of all kinds, dolphins and other fish and the list can go on and on. I just hope that they will be able to think of something that will work before we are damaged for 20 or more years like Alaska.
Thats enough ranting for now. I'm sure there will be more news everyday for a while.
I hope you all get out and play in the dirt a little. Have a nice weekend.