Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Any Ideas about Animals In My Garden?

HELP! I expect I'll be having some problems with critters in my vegetable garden. There are rabbits, deer, foxes and honey bears. Anyone with any ideas to deter the critters without harming them or catching them. HELP!


deedee said...

My rottweiler keeps everything out of the back yard and front! It could also be a playmate for your other dog.

Melanie said...

Can you put a fence up? That might help - thought I am not sure with the deer... hmm...

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I don't really know aside from fences or trying cayenne pepper. I do know there are lots of plants that supposed to be "deer proof". I wouldn't leave any pet food out and I know even bird feeders can attract pretty much everything.

Susie said...

We sell something at work called Critter Ridder. Maybe you could check that out.

Ginger said...

I don't know if it works as well on large animals, but red pepper flakes have worked amazingly well for me against squirrels. Also when I used to have a garden that wasn't fenced in, I hung soap around it and that kept the deer away (white soap still in the wrapper). Good luck!

Tootsie said...

cayenne pepper works...and my granny used to say to have a man pee all the way around the edges of your garden...they don't like human scent..and will hit the road....but that seems a little gross...even if male urine is supposedly a fertilizer...
good luck!

Becca's Dirt said...

Thanks for all the tips. I am going to check some of these out - may have to go with the fence and red pepper may work on the rabbits and squirrels. Critter Ridder - I'll check this out.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Becca, I know that deers don't like color purple. For rabits, I even tried fox urine (bought in a nursery), but it didn't work. Fence should help. Good luck!
Thanks for your comment on my fushcia post!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Becca, Thanks for visiting my blog. I am enjoying yours. We have tried EVERYTHING to keep the deer, rabbits, etc. off of our flowers. Cayenne Pepper works until the first rain.. Then you have to do it again. We have used lavender, fox urine, moth balls, etc. etc. etc... BUT--we finally found something that works. It's called Liquid Fence--and we order it online. It's pricey but worth every penny --keeping the critters away from our stuff. They won't come near it. Go online and google Liquid Fence. We order the concentrated kind (cheaper in the long run) and George sprays everything about once a month. So far --it is the only thing which has worked for us. We only have flowers---so I don't know if it works as well for veggies. One of my friends has an electric fence around her veggie garden. Good Luck..

Please come back to my blog anytime. I post every morning about 4 a.m.

Beth said...

Hi Becca: Thanks for visiting my blog and for your words of encouragement in our flood fight. So far, we are winning but the fight isn't over!

I have lots of critter problems and I agree with Betsy from Tennessee. Liquid Fence has been the best product I have found. But the smell is BRUTAL!!!!! Make sure you spray every couple of weeks after the first application but it does seem to help. Good luck!

Becca's Dirt said...

Thanks fellow gardeners for the advice. I am looking into the Liquid Fence.

Thistledew Farm said...

I have heard that leaving hair from your hairbrush around the edges of the garden is supposed to work on deer. I haven't tried it - but it seems earch friendly and if nothing else the birds can use it in their nests. I don't know about you, but my hairbrush is always loaded!

lynn'sgarden said...

Hi Becca, hope you notice this late post. Aside from Lidquid Fence, I use a new product called Deer Scram...It's granulated and you sprinkle it in a 6-10" wide band around the garden beds. It's not too horrible smelling to us but it makes the deer sense DANGER and stay away...Like everything else, you need to switch products every so often as they get immune to what you use. I have a 6' ft. fence around my main garden but they (deer) still jump in once in a while. Good luck.

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