The fake snake scares off the birds from the peach trees. Look how nice the peaches are looking.
Can't wait to eat one.
It is a little more difficult to catch a good shot of the Bradford pear tree. It is taller and a little harder to photograph. Last year the tree was loaded with maturing pears, and of course the pears falling to the ground. The next morning while walking around outside I noticed the tree was bare and so was the ground. No sign of pear no where. I discovered that a honey bear had found the tree overnight and apparently shook the tree and left no crumbs anywhere - only the tracks.
You can see in the photo one pear. I had to look up to get this shot - all the babies are up above the leaves.
When I was a little girl I remember going to church with my Mamaw and Papa along with about 15-20 of my first cousins. On Easter Mamaw would try to get all 35 of us grandkids to church on the same day. She would always recieve the special flowers for having so many in church on a single Sunday. We all enjoyed it so much playing and hunting eggs. I am the third from the oldest of the grandkids so as I got older I came to be the helper. I sure miss my Mamaw and Papa. But I still have my beautiful mother. I am blessed this Easter.
I remember hunting easter eggs at Mamaw and Papa's house. All of us grands and great-grands and tons of eggs all over the lawn! What fun that was. I miss Mamaw and Papa too!
I would forget the snake was there and it would scare me!!!!!1 Enjoy your new clippers. Let us know how they work. You will soon have plenty of great fruit!
I received those same clippers last year....the grips fell off. We too have blueberries on our bushes and yes mam........YUMMY!
Oh! to have blue berrys in your yard.
Becca....thanks for becoming a follower of The Writers Porch! I listed you on my blog roll but
I couldn't figure out your follower gadget.
Your flowers are lovely! I read in your profile you love mysteries, have you ever read Carolyn Haines books? She is your neighbor in Semmes.
Holidays can be a sad time for those of us who have lost loved ones. I only have one brother left--and he is in a nursing home in FL--not doing well at all, mentally especially. BUT--I choose to be happy on Easter and to remember all of the wonderful times I had growing up with my family.
Great pictures of your Spring bushes and flowers.... Lookin' good,Becca.
It sure looks pretty there. Don't you love having fresh fruit in your own yard?
I love that fake snake in the tree. It scared me! And your peaches are way bigger than mine so I'm jealous. Happy Easter to you and Little Buddy.
The Azalea is looking good and the greens are such a lovely shade at this time of year
Your dusty miller sure pops out in your flower bed.Your azalea is so pretty. That snake would probably make me jump a foot:-) before I figured out it was rubber. I am with the birds "get away fast". Snakes and I do not get along at all since I got bitten on the hand as a child. I cannot believe the little fruits you have growing already.
Happy Easter Becca! Your peaches do look great! Hope they taste yummy!
Hey Becca,
Wow, your flowers are beautiful, and look at all the peaches, pears and blueberries! My peaches are barely larger than a pea, at this point, and the pears are the size of cherries. I don't even know what kind of a pear tree it is. All I know is that the pears are huge, like smaller footballs! I don't even know what zone I am in. Southern MO, just a hop, skip and a jump from the Arkansas line. And before I forget, what is a Honey Bear? Never heard of such a beast. And one more question, will the fake snake also scare the squirrels off? Cause they like the peaches, too!
My grandchildren live 700 miles away, so I won't be seeing them for Easter, but they will be here this summer. I am going to an Easter Buffet with friends, after church. Yummo!
Thanks so much for visiting. I will try once again to add you as a friend, and hopefully it will work this time. Happy Raster!
Bunny Hugs,
I hope the bear doesn't come back for your other fruit. What a deal! Have fun in your garden this weekend, and have a happy Easter!
You have got wonderful fruit in your garden. The Azalea shrub must love your garden as it blooms so abundantly. Nice colour too. Happy Easter.
I happened upon your sight and just love all the pictures of your beautiful garden. Oh how it makes me wish I had a green thumb.
Happy Easter!
How did you find that National Garden Club? Your flowers in your garden are wonderful. I can't wait to stop back and see what is blooming tomorrow. You are going to love those clippers!
Happy Good Friday to yoU!
I am in National Home Gardening Club too. You will love it. I have been a member for years and years. It is fun testing products for them too. I still use my tools and gifts they send. You will also enjoy the magazine they send out. Very much worth the cost of being a member.
Great idea with the snake in the tree! Yum - fresh peaches! This is my second year growing strawberries and first growing blueberries. Home-grown fruit is amazing, isn't it?
You actually received a gift from Natl Gardening Club? I will have to rethink joining. How long have you been a member?
Having a fake snake is interesting! I doubt if it would work here, though - the birds probably wouldn't know what it was as we have no snakes!!
My first visit and your yard is lovely and that peach tree, oh my! But that fake snake would take my breath away. I can just imagine what it does to those little birdies.
Happy Twirls
Fruit marvelous fruit! We have baby pear, plum, peaches, blueberry, blackberry, and grape plants. One peach tree has peaches, I think I will try the snake trick, I sure don't want to loose any fruit, of course, the snake will probably just scare ME!
(thank goodness I don't have honey bears!!)
Love your Easter memories!
We used to go to church with Grandma on Easter too, not so many of us though:)
Sure made Grandma smile to have her family surround her in her church home on holidays:)
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