The squash are looking puny due to the deluge of rain last week. They may make one or two more small pickings. Most of the garden is looking like this now. The ground has dried out and has hardened around all of the plants again. We are expecting rain today and that will help.


From Springhill Nursery - Crazy Daisy (Shasta)

From Springhill Nursery - what remains of Yellow Perfection Viola. Will it live?
From Springhill Nursery - Double Decker Coneflower.

The smell of gardenia fills the air. I love that gardenia's look so delicate and soft.

This is my large dahlia. What happened? It looked so good just the other day when I took a photo. There is another bud coming up below this one.

Four O'Clock

Mexican Heather




Hope everyone has a great gardening day and work day.
Hmmm wonder what happened with the Dahlia? I know they prefer well draining soil. I dunno....weird how it was doing so well. Everything looks great. I can't help you with the veggies. Is the ground pretty hard there?
absoulutely beautiful garden flowers becca.. I can smell the gardina from here :-)
Becca I have that double decker coneflower on my wish list. And I love Gardenia - I'm not sure but don't think we can grow them here - maybe as a houseplant. They smell and look so heavenly.
You have a lot going on there. I have a double decker coneflower too, last year it didn't get any doubles, but I heard that's normal the first year. I wish we could grow gardenias here. They are so pretty and smell so good. You must be enjoying all of your flowers!
Sure wish I could send you some of our rain.
Its amazing how a few days without rain things can really dry up:) Hope your babies recover, love you color of fouroclock, and marigolds, LOVE gardenias, begonias, and vincas:)
DP - yes the ground has hardened.
Darsden - thank you.
Raingardener - they really do smell so good. Can they grow in pots there?
Catherine - I do enjoy my flowers. I look at them everyday.
Patsy - We are actually getting a little rain right now. Hope it is raining at my house.
Carla - Thank you.
What pretty flowers, especially the gardenia. We are having rain all day today. Not good for grocery shopping, but perfect for the flowers!
Thank you for the award. I appreciate your thoughtfulness very much.
I have had trouble leaving comments on your and a few other blogs the last few days.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for stopping by 100 Words from Dublin.
What a wonderful garden.
I'm going to have to move house. The wonderful gardeners I've encountered in blogland are making me so envious. : )
Dahlias like to be planted in loose soil, and must be deadheaded to prolong blooming time. You know all this I'm sure. You have some great colors going on!
Hi Becca, I'm anxious to see that double decker coneflower. I love Four O'clocks..easy to grow and many colors available. A few days of heat can really wreck havoc. Rain in the forecast tonight...I didn't water..hope they're right!
My garden was starting to look dried out this week. We had middle 90's for a few days in a row without any rain. It sure dried things out. We are having showers today though and hopefully things will look better. I suppose the pesky weeds will grow like ummm weeds after the rain. lol..
I love your yellow 4 o'clock. All of mine are pink.
Have a great day.
hey Becca, did you get more rain today? I don't have a clue what's going on in your garden but you do still have some beauties!
you have lots of colorful blooms in your garden-I especially love the gardenia probably because they don't grow here!
Take care,
Hi Becca, Rain can help and rain can hurt--as you know. I'm sure things will be back to normal soon. '
I love that gardenia. It's one of my fav's.. Love the smell.
Gosh, gardenias! I haven't heard of Mexican Heather but it's nice looking.
Are you thinking of getting chickens? Kim is just starting to build the coop. The chicks won't be ready for it for another 4 weeks so I'm hoping it will be completed just in time.
Hi Becca. Does this mean your vegetables are over for the season. Is it too hot and dry to plant anything. What about cowpeas?
The flowers look great. Angelina (little Prospero) sends a big woof, woof to Little Buddy.
Beautiful gardenia! We can't grow them here either, but I love them! -Jackie
Hi Becca! Hurray! I think I can comment on here now. :D Thanks for changing it so I could.
Thank you for the blogger award. That was very thoughtful of you.
Your garden is looking good. I love your four o'clocks and marigolds.
The flowers look awesome. I've been a little disappointed with some of my veggies. The green beans of all things have been a bust. Oh, well live and learn.
Hi Becca, It's way to late to be blogging and nosying around blogs, but I thought I would visit and have a look anyway! the dahlia is lovely, I hope it does well. I think I have the Mexican heather (but it's not called that here)if it is that I will be pleased, as yours looks good and mine hasn't flowered yet.
I hope your squashes grow well, I have planted about 6 and so far they seem ok.
Thank you for the comments on my blog. Have a lovely week-end.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's always nice to meet such nice folks. My husband worked construction for awhile in Alabama and we lived in Creola.
I would love to have some Gardenias and deep red cannas. I've already got spots picked out for them.
The gardenia is lovely! You will adore the Mexican heather..that one will boom its heart out..loves the heat! Clip that Dahlia bloom out, and squirt all its leaves with a good stream of water..might be spider mites :(
Becca, your flowers are beautiful! Aren't they a wonderful gift from God to make us smile! EXCEPT for MY TOMATOES and squash, which I guess a little less rain and more sun would help.
Oh my, the thought of not having my garden fresh tomatoes - why it is just TOO horrible to imagine:-)
My squash look about the same way. We too have had lots of rain. I'm hoping they'll start doing better soon. I don't seem to grow squash and zucchini very well.
I envy you ssooooooooooooooooo much being able to grow gardenia! I just love the smell. We only grow them as houseplants here and even at that rate they are very hard to please - I've given up.
The rest look very pleasing too - good luck with the viola! I have a lovely little Molly Mot one that is finally doing really well this year, after 2 years of doing nothing.
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