Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Friday Ya'll

I'm hooking up with Tootsie at Tootsie Time for Fertilizer Friday. Here ya go - head on over and check out the others flaunting a bloom today.

Guess what if you set your camera properly you get photos that aren't blurry. Amazing.

I am falling in love with this new snapdragon. It is so different than any snapdragon I've grown before. It is a very slow grower. This flower has been opening up now for almost a week. It is tall - 15" and only has the one bloom. Most snapdragons spread but not this one. Snapdragon Giant Tetra from Hometown Seeds.

The fourth bloom on the Full Tide Iris.

Hope you all have a great weekend.


Diane said...

Beautiful photos, yep amazing how the pictures are better if the setting is right. I also dicovered that today!! Nigel has arrived safely, put his head down and he is in dreamland at the moment. Take care. Diane

Ricki Treleaven said...

My goodness, Becca! Can they fit any more colors on the snapdragon? LOVE it!!!!

Ricki Jill

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

So pretty! I love seeing all the flowers blooming there that we still have to look forward to here. I think that iris is so pretty!

siteseer said...

Pretty! Love your irises and snapdragons. I am so jealous of those in the south. We're still to cold to even get outside :(

LindyLouMac said...

You have so many pretty flowers in bloom at the moment.

Darla said...

Nice Becca....glad you figured out your photos issue...your photos looks great!

Lona said...

Your Tetra snapdragon is so pretty Becca. It has such wonderful colors in the blooms. Your Pentas is really starting to bloom now.Your pink Dianthus all look so pretty together with all their different variations of pink.They will spread and look better every year. Have a wonderful weekend!

Joani said...

The Iris is beautiful. The colors are so Spring. Have a great weekend.

Patsy said...

And a happy Friday to you Becca!

Carol said...

Beautiful Blooms! I'm so envious :)

Anonymous said...

I love that Snapdragon too - I've sure come to like them in the last few years. They just seem to bloom their heart out all summer long. Your other flowers are looking great too. Sure wish it would quit raining here and snowing and hailing.

Lemon Lane Studio said...

What a beautiful snapdragon. It's one I've never seen before. I didn't put any in this year and now its warming up too much. I certainly am enjoying yours. Have a wonderful weekend.

Dirt Princess said...

You are so funny! You are right, if you set the camera right, you do get better shots. I think your pics look great though. I am loving that iris!!!!! I have seen so many beautiful irises this year. Seems like they have done better this year than last year. We are finally getting a much needed rain. Your blooms will be full of life after this rain

Dani P. said...

Hi, Becca! Lovely flowers and, it seems, my garden have o lot in common with yours.

Connie said...

Lovely Friday flowers, Becca! Have a great weekend! :)

Val said...


Mel_Cole said...

I love the variety of dianthus you got :) My Fertilizer Friday Hope you can visit mine too.

Jessica said...

OOOOH~ I love the snaps and iris'....just beautiful. I love the dianthus too~

I love just waiting for new suprises in the garden!


Anonymous said...

Everything looks so pretty and healthy. I sure wouldn't mind trading my 6b for your 8b.

Ami said...

You have so many pretty flowers! Love your little collections of dianthus, and that full tide iris!

Lemon Verbena Lady said...

You had lovely photos even on the wrong settings, Becca! Or maybe it's my sight and yours! Ha! Hope you didn't get caught in all of those strong storms. We had quite the day here. Sun one minute and windy rain the next. Ahh, mother nature! Have a great weekend, Becca.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Becca, Your flowers are all so pretty. I especially like that new Snapdragon. That is quite different --but, of how gorgeous!!!!!

Hope you have a great day.

Rosemary said...

Becca what more can one say than lovely to see all the blooms.

Roz said...

I love your blog! Thanks for stopping over and commenting so that I could find you! Now following and hope you'll follow back! Gorgeous iris!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Very pretty blooms this week..that Snapdragon is a very unusual color..I like it! :)

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I'm a big snapdragon fan. That sure is a pretty colored one! Of course your other blooms are beautiful as well. I am excited for the irises to bloom, hopefully, in a few weeks.

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