Hooking up with Jean for Bloomin Tuesday.

In case I haven't said it before, my friend is a metal smith and he is getting creative. When I found this old magazine rack in the shed someone had left a very long time ago I originally had planned to place some garden fabric in the bottom and plant flowers in it but now that he sanded it and painted I really don't want to fill it up with flowers. Isn't the lamp shade cute. Can you believe the lamp actually worked after being exposed to the elements for a long time. Tried placing a solar lamp in it but the holes in the shade aren't big enough to let out much light. Maybe I'll hang a small wind chime on it and place a container of flowers inside the basket. Makes a great outdoor table.

In case I haven't said it before, my friend is a metal smith and he is getting creative. When I found this old magazine rack in the shed someone had left a very long time ago I originally had planned to place some garden fabric in the bottom and plant flowers in it but now that he sanded it and painted I really don't want to fill it up with flowers. Isn't the lamp shade cute. Can you believe the lamp actually worked after being exposed to the elements for a long time. Tried placing a solar lamp in it but the holes in the shade aren't big enough to let out much light. Maybe I'll hang a small wind chime on it and place a container of flowers inside the basket. Makes a great outdoor table.
Oh no. I went to take photos of my plants and look what I found. At first it appeared that it was soil from the heavy rains we had earlier but upon further inspection it was not.
Due to the mild winter we had it has been mentioned that bugs, snakes and other little creatures would be running a plenty this year. Last week a city worker found a rattlesnake in the front ditch. Yikes!!!
Now I've never had much of problem with bugs messing with my flowers but this was different. These critters meant to eat up all my foliage and do it quickly mind you. I hate using pesticides but ya'll forgive me. I ran to get the stuff I already had mixed up (sorry I forgot the name of the product) to kill pests on the fruit trees. Nasty little creatures. I took care of them though.
Love the poppies but they only last a day or until it rains each day. Wish they would hang out a little longer.
We can't spend any time outdoors without Molly dropping the ball everywhere. Buddy he doesn't care and is content just laying in the grass near MY chair. Molly on the other hand must be ball hunting. If I'm digging the ball goes in the hole. If I'm standing the ball is at my feet or John's. So here we go... the ball is dropped... off she goes.
...and she waits...
And she goes from side to side waiting...
The ball is thrown and off she goes...
She gets the ball but she goes to sniff out everywhere the ball touched the ground before bringing it to be thrown again. She is a Rat Terrier so that nose of hers picks up every scent.
She is actually hiding behind the pole here. She will hide behind a tree or anything and wait to hear the ball go bouncing. Funny dog and very entertaining.
While we played ball I decided I needed to edge the garden since the grass is inching ever closer everyday. So out comes the shovel. Only meaning to tone up the areas and pulling the grass line out a few more inches. I often start off this way but I don't know about you but I always think I can eye the curves and lines. Well I should no by now that I can't but I never stop trying. While I started off small I didn't end up that way. I actally pulled it out about 15". But it looked horrible and the lines weren't even in the least.
Lots and lots of grass dug out. The hardest part is unloaded the grass. Love digging and lifting the grass out but placing it somewhere is lots more work.
I thought about something I could use to give me some defination. A bath towel would do the trick. I could shape it easily and really just needed to define the area and it worked great.
This area will be a work in progress for a while as we create a nice retreat area with chairs and tables etc.
I forgot to take a photo after potting up these plants for the area. So I rushed out last evening and mind you it is still early when the clouds came up quick and the bottom fell out.
And it rained for a while...
Hope you all have a fabulous day.
Cool what they did with the lamp. Very nice work.
Your garden is looking great. A lot of work with edging but things always look so nice and neat. The bugs are crazy here also.
Cher Sunray Gardens
The headboard is a cute addition to the garden!
Glad to see you have so much help in the garden. Bugs, dog and man now that makes life good.
I'm a little cautious in the gardens with all the critters out and about too. Everything is looking so good, love the lamp table.
Ugh! SNAKE!! I'd be gone! Love the gardens, so neat your shapes. What a cute pooch. We are getting rain here today also. It ruins my Iris :(
Have a great week ~
GIVEAWAY ends 5/13
The lamp is amazing! Your gardens look great! So sorry about the pests. Sometimes we just have to get aggressive. Love the poppy. Jean
You've been busy. Sorry your plants are getting nibbled on too. I'd take some of the rain though.
Another way to get a more even edge is to lay a hose where you want the edge to be.
I just wish I could get outside and dig in the yard, but you know me, just too lazy. ;) I use my back as excuse. ;)
Love your shots and puppy dog too.
Don't work too hard tho,lol.
Is that a bed head i spied? lol
The lamp is so cute Becca. Oh, I love that bed with you bed headboard. It looks so sweet. Your colorful pots adds such pretty accents to it too. Good work there girl.LOL!
That is a cool lamp. I think it would look neat with flowers growing in it. Molly sounds like she is a lot of fun to be around. :)
What a gorgeous garden!
That lamp table is awesome! Your planters look so good!
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