It is one of the most meaningful awards in blog world because it honors someone who is incredibly inspirational in her intelligent and witty writing. And by doing so, this award celebrates women's smart, strong and inspirational spirit! It honors women who spread joy and love like an Acorn......a small package growing into a tall and sturdy oak tree which gives more acorns.............. I am so honored to receive this award from my dear bloggy friend
Carol at The Writers Porch - Link: http://thewritersporch.blogspot.com/
I am therefore honored to pass it on to some bloggy friends I think fit the bill for receiving it also!
Betsy at Joyful Reflections:
Dirt Princess at Trials and Tribulations of a Southern Gardener: http://northmobilegardensociety.blogspot.com/
Debbie at Debbie's Garden:
Darla at Family and Flowers:
Cathy at Cobblestone Farms:
Ladies you all make blogging for me a funny, enjoyable and delightful learning experience! Enjoy and pass her on!
Becca WOW!!! An award! Who'd a thunk it! I am honored you think that Betsy, Debbie, Darlan Cathy & myself are smart, strong and in ispiration. Thanks.
Becca..In answer to the question " what did I do" to deserve it? You have 50 followers, a wonderful blog that is a pleasure to visit!! That is what blog awards are for! I am so please you passed it to Dirt P and Betsy ! I'll check out the other three! Congrats to YOU and All those who are now being honored by you!
Thank you Carol for those kind words.
Dirt Princess - you introduced me to the world of blogging and I think that all of my blogger friends are special people and would love to meet everyone.
Congrats! I've enjoyed reading your blog and learning about your part of our world :)
Becca----How neat!!! Thanks SO SO SO SO much... That is so special that you gave me this award. It is a really neat one to receive. I will proudly display it on my sidebar.
We've been in Hendersonville ALL day---checking on George's parents. They are FINE! Hope you are having a good day.
Becca, congratulations on your award. It's well deserved. Hope to see you on the garden tour!
Thanks for the award Becca! I'm new to blogging and this motivates me.
Hurray for the Renee! Thanks for dropping by my blog - your's is beautiful.
Thank you, I'm picking it up now!
Congrats on the award. With all of the spring chores to do it took me awhile but I did finally make it over to say thank you for visiting/ following my blog! I am glad I did because I love your blog. I am getting more and more of an interest in gardening beyond the few tomato plants of years past. This year we are putting in more varied plants than ever..or we would if the weather would cooperate!
Congratulations on the renee Award. It's great to see it pass on to brilliant women.
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