My first dahlia is about to bloom. Not sure which one this is till it blooms.
This is what the veggie garden looked like last week.
This is the veggie garden this morning. All of blooms you see will fall off today when it rains. All of the blooms for the past 5-6 days have fallen off from so much rain. Everyday we are getting a little too much for the gardens to be comfortable.
This is blooms from the zucchini squash. Looks like two yellow stars.
This is the snap beans that are ready to pick. I'll pick these today if I am not rained out when I get home. All of the bushes are full. The extra rain isn't hurting the beans.

The blueberries are about ready to pick. Some have turned already but not enough to make a picking yet. I'm thinking of all the goodies I'll make with the blueberries. Muffins. Pancakes. Cobbler. Cake. The list is endless.
The blueberries are about ready to pick. Some have turned already but not enough to make a picking yet. I'm thinking of all the goodies I'll make with the blueberries. Muffins. Pancakes. Cobbler. Cake. The list is endless.
This looks like lantana to me. Maybe Lantana Confetti. I did not plant this one. It is actually growing in with some overgrown bushes. It is a big plant but only these two blooms.

Our weather is suppose to be improving. After today the rain chance is going down and a little less humidity. Walking outside is like walking into a sauna. You break a sweat immediately.
Our weather is suppose to be improving. After today the rain chance is going down and a little less humidity. Walking outside is like walking into a sauna. You break a sweat immediately.
I have company coming and I can't wait to see my daughter, April hubby Brian and Gavin, Ben and Luci. They will begin their vacation here in Mobile then to Gulf Shores and then to Pensacola for other family. I am planning to cook gumbo for them. I'll share the recipe next week.
Have a nice day everyone... Becca
What a beautiful garden Becca. My zucchini and squash are coming along about the same as yours. The only flowers I picked were nasturtium and marigold to keep away the pests. Are you having a time yet with squash bugs? They are bad here and I have had to resort to sevin to keep my squash and pumpkin from annihilation.
Hi Becca. Lovely to see your garden (in the rain). You have too much - we have too little. Oh, well! How's your watermelon coming along?
Becca that is Lantana.It needs lots of sun to bloom profusely. I'm tired of the rain too and we've had less than you! Our gardens are doing great in spite of it.
Little Ant - I have not had any problems with any bugs on the veggies. Surprisingly I have more bug problems on my flowers than the veggies.
Prospero - The watermelon seeds that I planted in April are not doing well. The 3 filler plants I planted a couple of weeks ago are coming along very nicely.
Carol - I figured it was lantana but I thought it was wierd where it was growing. Oh well I am going to cut the brush around this area to clean it up. Then the lantana will have a nice growing spot. Plus I'll move some of it.
You have a wonderful garden. I hope the rain doesn't cause too much loss.
The zucchini blooms are pretty cool! I can't wait to see your dahlia
Beautiful Becca..we finally got a day of rain too and need much more :-))
Yes, Lantana and one of my favorite flowers :)
Everything is looking great, despite having all that rain.
Thise zucchini blooms are precious ...
It looks really pretty with the fog. We don't get much fog this time of year. The squash and beans are looking really good. I can't wait for blueberries either, yours are bit ahead of ours now.
Enjoy your visit with your family!
I thought it was us in the UK who had rain all the time!! Your misty photos look really nice.
Looks like you are going to have some wonderful veggies to harvest. Mine aren't anywhere that far along.
Enjoy your visit!
Welcome back! The fog pictures are great but the one with the blueberries is fantastic. It look like an oil painting. I think you should enlarge and frame it! ;-)
Enjoy the time with your family.
Did you get things worked out with blogspot? Your garden is looking good. How about that new baby at the hobby farm. It is so cute.
Thanks for visiting English Cottage in Georgia and for your sweet comment. I love your garden. I am kicking myself for not creating a garden for only veggies. I planted a few tomatoes, squash, etc among my perennials. I do not thing they are flourishing as my veggies did last year in their own space (which has been taken over with perennials).
Love your blog - am putting with my "Blogs I Follow". :-)
they all look so pretty!!! you should try to link into the fertilizer friday post I have to flaunt your flowers each week!
everything looks so lovely! I'm envious that you already have blueberries! (I have to wait until mid-July until ours are ready.)
all the pictures look gr8! i loved the yellow flowers.. they look bright and beautiful!
your garden looks great! I love the star shaped flowers on the squash plants...enjoy your family visitors...blueberries...oh how yummy
Thanks for stopping at my place! Enjoyed the various photos of your beautiful garden. The mist certainly lends the shots a very interesting quality. So sorry about too much rain coming your way - we're quite dry up here!
Hi, love your blog, I am in Australia and I am awaiting my crab cactus to open, it is bursting with buds. So exciting!
We are a little tired of the rain too.
That's wonderful that your daughter and family are visiting. And you have a great looking garden.
that dahlia looks like it's going to be big!!
your veggie garden looks great.
Hi Becca, I know you must be having a wonderful weekend... I hope and pray that your rain has stopped. Your garden will continue to look better and better I'm sure...
We got home this evening and had a wonderful couple of days in the North Carolina mountains.
Becca, I'm envious of your greenbeans and further along than mine! I'm not growing bush beans this year, just pole, but they are just 6" high..I know they'll get there someday..haha! Great fog effect on the photos.
If you like I have an award for you at my place.
Your veggie garden is looking so full. Good for you. Hope the rain backs off for a while.
Your gardens are so beautiful. I got hungry reading about the berries. When you make some of the creations you mentioned don't forget to take some pictures. I love the pictures. They look misty and inviting.
I see someone let you know your mystery plant is lantana. We grow it as an annual here in Nebraska. The butterflies like it.
I enjoyed your garden photos. We've had a lot of rain this week, too.
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