Check out this antique tea set Mom purchased for me from a yard sale. Can you believe it - a yard sale. She picked up 2 tea sets and this one is mine. The box is very old and is from China. Does anyone know anything about this tea set or the insignia on the bottom?

I love the silk lined box.

The insignia on the bottom is in Chinese.

There is so much detail.

Please help me out here if you know anything about this china.
We are expecting some possibly severe weather this afternoon and tonight. Possibly 4-6" of rain and flooding and wind with gale warnings. No tornadoes please Lord.
Hope everyone has a good day and stay warm. Looks like bad weather almost everywhere.
Gorgeous, Becca. My hubby taught in China for several semesters back in the '80's-'90's---so I showed him the tea set. He said that his first wife bought some china similar to this when she was there once with him. But--it wasn't antique although it looked similar.
Yours may be antique due to the box. Good Luck finding info about it. How 'bout the Antique Roadshow..
Whatever it is, it is gorgeous. Love the details...
What a great find, with the box it should be worth more as an antique.
What a great find! I don't know anything about this type of china, but it sure is beautiful.
I hope the weather isn't as bad as predicted. Those storms are no fun this time of year. Stay dry!
Very Pretty! Have you tried googling to see what you can find about antique chinese tea sets?
I know nothing about it, but it is beautiful! What a find!
It is a beautiful tea set.. I hope you find out more about it..I am sorry..I know nothing about this item. A great find!! :)
this is gorgeous!
Very pretty tea set. I wish I could help you on it. Have you tried to google Chinese tea set? Not sure on this one.
On a side note... I love yard/garage sales. Alot of people have no idea that they have treasures.
Be safe and take care today.It is quite windy and rainy here today also.
It's very pretty. I love all kinds of tea, chocolate, lemonade, and coffee sets. If you have a trusted antiques dealer nearby, you could inquire about the mark. I did not find one like that when I googled Chinese "marks." Please keep us updated. I pray that your weather won't be bad. I have added myself as a follower. During the transfer from the old blog to the new, I lost touch. Stay safe.
Its a beauty.
Thanks for the visit and your kind comments.
So beautiful!
I have no idea but its absolute beautiful. What a great find.
Becca: What a neat tea set, that mark may be really important. I love the ornate design.
Beautiful set Becca especially in the box and all. It's hard to ID since the marks are nothing we can understand- makes it alot harder. I've been looking in my Kovels' Dictionary of Marks but couldn't find it. Sorry! Well, enjoy anyway.
Check out this site! There are tons of pages and information of Japanese and Chinese stamps! I hope it helps.
What a wonderful find and how sweet of your Mother to share! Just lovely! Jean
What a beautiful tea set - you lucky girl! You had asked me about the ornaments on the wreaths - I simply hung them with ornament hooks! Happy Decorating! Cathy
Lots of bad weather in Alberta, that's for sure. I hope you have no tornadoes!
Becca, that is a yard sale treasure for sure! Just gorgeous!
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