I just came from WM and picked up some potting mix to go into the new porch garden - unnamed yet. I am getting it ready to do some direct seed sowing and plant some things I need to get in the ground. I am also getting an area out the back door garden for these babies. See how big they are. I am planting them this weekend and will begin some new seeds in these containers.
The lettuce will be ready to eat in maybe 3-4 weeks, I'm hoping anyway.
The broccoli is also getting big. I have no idea how long it takes broccoli to make but I'll be as happy as a lark when I cook me some. It might be just enough for me.
Hope you all have a great weekend and that it is warmer.
(PS sorry I haven't been around much lately but this is the new year and I am still closing the books for last year and I am very busy. I'll be back around more in a few weeks.
Start hardening off that broccoli...it doesn't mind some cooler weather....thanks for the seeds....I posted them today!
I bet you'll get quite a bit of broccoli from all of those seedlings.
It sounds like your grandson has your gene for gardening. I think kids growing their own veggies encourages them to want to eat them more. My girls will play outside and snack on sugar snap peas in the summer.
Your plants are looking so good Becca.I will have to watch your grow since it will be a while here yet for planting in the ground.
That is such a terrific story about your grandson and the beans. He really appreciated those beans he grew. Wonderful way to teach them.
Hi Becca, You left a comment & question on my blog yesterday. I thought I would just come on over here and visit. In answer to your question, yes I have grown yellow pear tomatoes for years. I always save the seeds for the next year. My boys love them. They are very sweet -tomatoes, not the boys;)
Hi Becca, Looks like spring is coming sooner than later at your home... Today is the first day since Jan. 31st that we have had SUNSHINE... Amazing...
I know you are very proud of your grandchildren. That is SO neat!!!
Oh, how I want some warmer weather so bad.....! We are a few miles morth of Atlanta and it's supposed to be almost 60 degrees this weekend! Whoo Hoo! I can't wait. And so loved your photos of the lettuce & veggies growing.....just made me think of Spring. Nothing like fresh produce from your own garden! Keep in touch.....Lynn
I just discovered your blog. Your grandson is very smart. He knows the home grown are always best! It's nice to find another Alabama gardener. I took pictures of snow a week ago tomorrow, and now the weather is going to be sunny and warm(er). I can't wait! I am behind in my gardening chores because of all the cold, wet weather we have had. Sounds like you are very busy, but come visit Deb's Garden when you have some blogging time.
I have something for you on my blog! :)
I'm glad to hear you are getting some sun there, Becca. I like the fact that your grand kids are interested in gardening. I think it is neat that that is something you can share with them. Hope you have a good weekend. :)
Thank you SO MUCH for the seeds!! That was absolutely the best surprise to come home to after a long, rough day at work! :)
Your broccoli and lettuce both look great. You have a talent for growing things from seed, I think!
Hey woman! I'm ready to get in that dirt myself!!!
It's going to be 62 here today so I'm filling up the clothes lines!
Actually, it was a pretty nice day up here in the frozen north too. Temperatures above freezing and sunny. Not perfect but we appreciate it after so much snow and gloomy weather.
Your young plants are looking good. Wish it was time to start some seeds here.
Becca, you should be able to sow lettuce seeds directly into the garden and be able to do it year round. We do here in Chickasaw. Lettuce is a cold crop and broccoli is also. We have broc plants a foot n'half tall with florets on them now. Broc and cabbage and collards can all be started in the fall.
You are really making me want to get out and get some gardening started - even though it's still so unseasonably cold here in Florida! Have a great warm weekend :-)
Looking good..hope your snow is gone. So you gonna tell us about this man friend or keep him a mystery?:)
Hello-Its Cheri from Its So Very Cheri and I came by to let you know, my blog moved to its own site this past weekend and I am asking everyone to PLEASE come over to the new site to Re-sign up to follow me or you won't get updates. The address is almost the same just leave out the blogspot.
Sunday begins the 4th week of the month long give-a-way.
Itssoverycheri. c o m
You are a really dedicated gardener I see. Do you have a small greenhouse in the back yard too? My sister has one because her window sills are all full and she needed more space :)
I love seeing the size of your seedlings...gives me an idea of when I should transfer mine.
Have a nice week of weather ahead of you....hopefully!!!!
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