It just so happens I don't really have much to share other than some green coming up here and there. All of my stuff is still in the seedling stage other than the color I purchased which are not shown today. They still look the same except for a ton of buds. I'll share next week. I fertilized them last Fri so they are really taking off.
My first art for the butterfly garden. I like the angel here and will be adding more angels.
Johnsons Blue Geranium is really happy here. That is snapdragons coming up - the wind caught some seeds. It's OK though maybe they'll flower.
Catherines Red Breadseed Poppies are really popping now. Take a look and that isn't all of them.
The last of the pear blossoms.
Me neighbor looks at me funny when I am outside with my camera. Especially when I am taking photos of the ground. He was laughing the other day when I was out taking pictures of the little ones coming up. That's a blogging gardener for you.
Weeds with flowers.
Different weed with flowers. Does it look like I am looking for stuff to post for Fertilizer Friday?
I've been hearing the birds singing and didn't realize they were so close. A birdnest inside the window screen. (Ya'll I am embarressed by the appearance of the outside of my house but I am hiring someone to power wash and paint it in the next 3 weeks.) I don't see any eggs in it. Can't figure how the momma bird thinks she is going to get those babies out of there.
Good morning. I can't wait to see those poppies bloom. One of my favorites. I got some poppy seed earlier that I haven't gotten planted yet. This weekend for sure.
Girl, you got a lot of holes to dig!
Becca, I love that little angel in the garden.
I hope my neighbors don't catch me with the camera. Those mama birds....just amazing huh???
Happy weekend
Wow that birds nest is way neat. We once had one in my front door wreath! Hahaha
My neighbors look at me funny when I'm taking pictures of the ground, too!
I feel like my neighbors wonder what I'm always doing with my camera. I think that's why so many pictures are from the backyard.
That's a very interesting place for a nest, it's funny the places they choose to build in!
Everything is looking really good.
I sure will be glad when I can join you and show the seeds coming up in my garden. Give Buddy a hug for me.
a little to share is better than nothing at all!!! I am loving that angel!!! thanks for joining me this week!!! have a fun weekend!
That little Buddy is vicious LOL! Look at all of those poppies growing. It is going to be so pretty Becca. You garden angel is so adorable.
Have a wonderful weekend.
It's always so much fun decorating & adding whimsey to the gardens! Pretty soon we will have so much to take pictures of we won't know where to start lol..... LOVE your little buddy he's so cute! Have a great weekend!
Haha! I think every garden blogger has neighbours that look at them funny...:D
Hi Becca! Everything is looking great and coming along nicely. You're going to have blooms everywhere before too long. Hope you have a lovely Sunday! :-)
Good Sunday Morning! You are going to be busy this next week. I especially can't wait to see your Johnny Jump-Ups and Catherine's poppies. Buddy is the sweetest pup; give him a hug and you have a great Easter week.
Hi, I am so glad the doctors visit was a mistake and nothing too serious to worry about.
You have lots of little beauties coming up,I hope your weather is better than ours, no planting out here for another week or two.
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