After worrying so much about this test the doctor says 'it was all a mistake'. What! You see come to find out she said I should never have had a pap smear since I had my uterus removed back in the 80's and it wasn't due to cancer. The doctor said after the cervix is removed there is no chance of cancer to an organ that isn't there anymore. Pap smears are to detect cancer in the cervix. The pap smear abnormal cells were because of a bacterial and viral infection. I am so relieved that everything is good. Too bad I had to worry so but at least all is well.
Thank you ALL for your prayers and thoughts. I love all of you.
A Garden in Citronelle Alabama zone 8b It's so much fun playing in the dirt.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Fertilizer Friday - Coming Up Green
Good morning everybody! It's that time again when we all get together to flaunt our flowers and fertilize those babies. Ya'll head on over to Tootsie's and check out her fine blog and see what she is doing in the Greenhouse. And I know you want to know who else is participating and flaunting their pretties.

It just so happens I don't really have much to share other than some green coming up here and there. All of my stuff is still in the seedling stage other than the color I purchased which are not shown today. They still look the same except for a ton of buds. I'll share next week. I fertilized them last Fri so they are really taking off.
My first art for the butterfly garden. I like the angel here and will be adding more angels.

Johnsons Blue Geranium is really happy here. That is snapdragons coming up - the wind caught some seeds. It's OK though maybe they'll flower.

Catherines Red Breadseed Poppies are really popping now. Take a look and that isn't all of them.

The last of the pear blossoms.

Me neighbor looks at me funny when I am outside with my camera. Especially when I am taking photos of the ground. He was laughing the other day when I was out taking pictures of the little ones coming up. That's a blogging gardener for you.
Weeds with flowers.

Different weed with flowers. Does it look like I am looking for stuff to post for Fertilizer Friday?

It just so happens I don't really have much to share other than some green coming up here and there. All of my stuff is still in the seedling stage other than the color I purchased which are not shown today. They still look the same except for a ton of buds. I'll share next week. I fertilized them last Fri so they are really taking off.
My first art for the butterfly garden. I like the angel here and will be adding more angels.
Johnsons Blue Geranium is really happy here. That is snapdragons coming up - the wind caught some seeds. It's OK though maybe they'll flower.
Catherines Red Breadseed Poppies are really popping now. Take a look and that isn't all of them.
The last of the pear blossoms.
Me neighbor looks at me funny when I am outside with my camera. Especially when I am taking photos of the ground. He was laughing the other day when I was out taking pictures of the little ones coming up. That's a blogging gardener for you.
Weeds with flowers.
Different weed with flowers. Does it look like I am looking for stuff to post for Fertilizer Friday?
I've been hearing the birds singing and didn't realize they were so close. A birdnest inside the window screen. (Ya'll I am embarressed by the appearance of the outside of my house but I am hiring someone to power wash and paint it in the next 3 weeks.) I don't see any eggs in it. Can't figure how the momma bird thinks she is going to get those babies out of there.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This and That
I spent most of my weekend outdoors. I finally completed my full sun garden in my front. This is actually an enlargement of a garden I put down here last year - as you can see a few things already growing here.
My dilemma here is that I cannot afford to go purchase blocks for this garden like in the other one in the background. The pesky dog that had been visiting is not going to be around anymore so I don't have to worry about having the black rubber edging ripped up by a dog who knows no boundaries. I was thinking of just moving these blocks to my back yard area where I still have more new beds to put down. The front yard would blend better I think. Ya'll let me know what ya think.
I planted all of my bulbs and rhizomes I had purchased and direct sow some seeds here. I planted the iris's in the bed behind this one. Here I have dahlias, phlox and clematis and from last year there are cannas.

My dilemma here is that I cannot afford to go purchase blocks for this garden like in the other one in the background. The pesky dog that had been visiting is not going to be around anymore so I don't have to worry about having the black rubber edging ripped up by a dog who knows no boundaries. I was thinking of just moving these blocks to my back yard area where I still have more new beds to put down. The front yard would blend better I think. Ya'll let me know what ya think.
I planted all of my bulbs and rhizomes I had purchased and direct sow some seeds here. I planted the iris's in the bed behind this one. Here I have dahlias, phlox and clematis and from last year there are cannas.
Well the insurance reform act and Obama's health care plan has been signed. I am one of the ones who are suppose to benefit from this. I have no health care and I am employed. My employer does not provide any options for health care coverage. I really do not have a clue what all of this is about and though I have read some of it and have listened to the highlights I still don't know when and how it will affect me.
I am about to purchase me some insurance though. My hope is that my pre-existing conditions will be covered and that I think is much of the insurance problems. I know that the new plan is suppose to block insurance companies from excluding pre-existing conditions.
I recently had a pap smear that has come back with abnormal cells. The doctor who performed the procedure is a clinic I go to for working people who have no insurance. They provide a great service by charging a fee based on income and also by providing services like labs and so forth at a discounted fee. Cost is much less than if I had insurance AND they also provide some of my meds straight from their personal pharmacy for free. OK the abnormal pap - the doctor is wanting me to go to another clinic for further testing. Here I am with no insurance and could be facing mounting medical bills. I am thinking if I don't go for further testing till after I obtain insurance then maybe they will pay for it because I have not been seen or treated for anything abnormal. Give me some feedback blogging friends.
We are expecting some really nice weather for the rest of the week with hi's around 70 and low's in the 50's.
Not really much going in my world. Guess that's a good thing. Hope you all have a wonderful day and that everyone receives some sunshine.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Fertilizer Friday - Happy Spring

Good Morning Blogspot World! Hope everyone is doing spiffy today. It's that time again when we all get together for Fertilizer Friday. Click on the title and head on over to Tootsie Time and check out what Tootsie is up to and all of the other bloggers participating in Fertilizer Friday.
Again I didn't load in proper order. Check out my new veggie garden spot. The fellow I hired to tille the garden just showed up on Tue and said just pay me when you can. Such a nice old man and very polite. So you can imagine how much work I have to do to remove as much grass as I can. The soil here is very dark and rich.
The yellows have it in my yard so far this year. Ya'll I have shared most of these with you already but I tried really hard to take a different angle hoping to spice it up. LOL
The snapdragon purchase in Jan for $1.50 was a great purchase as you can tell.
This little pansy is so bright you can't get a good picture. It's like looking at the sun.

Yellow Viola's.

Yellow Viola's.
I spent much of my time last weekend putting down 15 packs of seeds.

Check out the new lettuce I planted last weekend. They come up 4 days after planting and now they are about an inch high and...

The Cosmos I paid .20 for sprung up 3 days after planting and now is at least 2" high.

Check out the new lettuce I planted last weekend. They come up 4 days after planting and now they are about an inch high and...
The Cosmos I paid .20 for sprung up 3 days after planting and now is at least 2" high.
I cannot believe how well the Russell Strain Lupines from Hometown Seeds is doing. They look so happy. There at least 16 little plants.
I have 2 plants of the 8 ordered from Springhill Nursery still alive. This is the purple hydrangea. It seems to be coming along nicely. It should give me some blooms this year. Didn't get any last year.

The pear tree has blossomed out nicely. Hoping I have some edible pears this year. Buddy sure liked them last year. Did I tell you the story about the pear tree last year? Every time I took Buddy out in the back to do his business he would grab him a pear and take inside and eat it. Later in the year when not as many pears would be laying on the ground due to all of the other animals I would shake the tree a little and he'd get his little treat. For 2 days in a row when I shook the tree - Buddy found a little baby bird. After 2 days I figured out what had happened and oh I felt so bad. I killed all of the little babies. God forgive me.
The pear tree has blossomed out nicely. Hoping I have some edible pears this year. Buddy sure liked them last year. Did I tell you the story about the pear tree last year? Every time I took Buddy out in the back to do his business he would grab him a pear and take inside and eat it. Later in the year when not as many pears would be laying on the ground due to all of the other animals I would shake the tree a little and he'd get his little treat. For 2 days in a row when I shook the tree - Buddy found a little baby bird. After 2 days I figured out what had happened and oh I felt so bad. I killed all of the little babies. God forgive me.
fertilizer friday,
Hometown Seeds,
seed starting,
yellow viloa
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Photo Tag Fun
I have been tagged by LemonVerbenaLady for "Photo Tag Fun". Check out her lovely blog for all kinds of fun and herbal stuff. Here goes...
This is my 10th photo from my first set of photos using my new camera last year.
Photo story - I am showing how badly the drain off from the house is effecting the gardens here. Not really much to tell. This particular garden area has septic plumbing below it and last year I did not realize this until there was a problem. This year this garden area is being used for lettuce and broccoli. I will be placing containers over the areas that have the underground plumbing this year.

Here is how photo tag works - on your first list of photos choose the tenth photo and post it and tell the story behing it. Hope yours is more interesting than mine.
I am suppose to pass this on the five other bloggers and those are:
Kim at Beautiful Wreck - check her blog out. She has 5 kids and homeschools and sometimes she is raving on. I love her blog.
Randy and Mike at Chicken Boys - I love to see what they are up to.
Busy Bee Suz at Day by Day with Suz - What a fun blog too. She is funny with her writings.
Tatyana at My Secret Garden - Tatyana has some really awesome gardens and she is just a fun person.
Carol at the Writers Porch - Nothing like a good book and Carol is the one to recommend it to ya. She loves all of these southern authors and so do I.
Ya'll have a good day.
This is my 10th photo from my first set of photos using my new camera last year.
Photo story - I am showing how badly the drain off from the house is effecting the gardens here. Not really much to tell. This particular garden area has septic plumbing below it and last year I did not realize this until there was a problem. This year this garden area is being used for lettuce and broccoli. I will be placing containers over the areas that have the underground plumbing this year.
Here is how photo tag works - on your first list of photos choose the tenth photo and post it and tell the story behing it. Hope yours is more interesting than mine.
I am suppose to pass this on the five other bloggers and those are:
Kim at Beautiful Wreck - check her blog out. She has 5 kids and homeschools and sometimes she is raving on. I love her blog.
Randy and Mike at Chicken Boys - I love to see what they are up to.
Busy Bee Suz at Day by Day with Suz - What a fun blog too. She is funny with her writings.
Tatyana at My Secret Garden - Tatyana has some really awesome gardens and she is just a fun person.
Carol at the Writers Porch - Nothing like a good book and Carol is the one to recommend it to ya. She loves all of these southern authors and so do I.
Ya'll have a good day.
This and That
The old washer had to be replaced. I went out and bought a new one on Saturday. I just couldn't stand to have another used washer come in only to not work. Unfortunatley the man friend that I let come back into my life messed up my drain hose for the washer and the electrical plug. Grrrrr. Can't believe that he is so stupid to pull it straight out of the ground and to pull the plug so hard that the box came off of the wall. Oh well we live and learn.
I've been sick. Missed work on Monday and that throws me behind at work. Had the ole stomach bug I guess. My troubles when I get the ole stomach bug is that I get so violently ill. I shake uncontrollably with chills and then the hot flashes. Terrible experience. While I was so ill my mom called this so called friend thinking he cared enough to see about me and guess what - he came over all right and acted like a fool - so angry at being there. I told him to get out and stay out - never come back again. I really don't need a man. I will hire someone to do what I need.
My veggie area was plowed yesterday. I have a lot of work laid out for me. I will be planting the vegatable garden in about 2-3 weeks. Haven't finalized my list of veggies to plant yet.
What to do about the squirrels messing with my flower pot containers. I think they are still looking for nuts they hid in the fall and winter. I heard that red pepper flakes may deter them - I'll try this. Any other ideas?
We are getting some rain showers today. Nice light rain the kind that does the plants some good without knocking them over. The weekend is calling for temps of 70 and sunny. Yea!
I can't believe that my oldest and still my 'baby girl' will be 37 tomorrow. Happy Birthday - April. She is off enjoying their annual 'family' vacation up in the mountains of Tennessee.
That enough of my rantings. I'll be around as I can this week to visit you all.
Have a great day and hope you are having some nice weather.
I've been sick. Missed work on Monday and that throws me behind at work. Had the ole stomach bug I guess. My troubles when I get the ole stomach bug is that I get so violently ill. I shake uncontrollably with chills and then the hot flashes. Terrible experience. While I was so ill my mom called this so called friend thinking he cared enough to see about me and guess what - he came over all right and acted like a fool - so angry at being there. I told him to get out and stay out - never come back again. I really don't need a man. I will hire someone to do what I need.
My veggie area was plowed yesterday. I have a lot of work laid out for me. I will be planting the vegatable garden in about 2-3 weeks. Haven't finalized my list of veggies to plant yet.
What to do about the squirrels messing with my flower pot containers. I think they are still looking for nuts they hid in the fall and winter. I heard that red pepper flakes may deter them - I'll try this. Any other ideas?
We are getting some rain showers today. Nice light rain the kind that does the plants some good without knocking them over. The weekend is calling for temps of 70 and sunny. Yea!
I can't believe that my oldest and still my 'baby girl' will be 37 tomorrow. Happy Birthday - April. She is off enjoying their annual 'family' vacation up in the mountains of Tennessee.
That enough of my rantings. I'll be around as I can this week to visit you all.
Have a great day and hope you are having some nice weather.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Fertilizer Friday - Things Are Springing Up
Click on title to go to Tootsie Time.
Well it's that time each week to flaunt our flowers or whatever you want to flaunt. Ya'll head on over to our dear friend Tootsie Time and check out all of the other bloggers flaunting their stuff. Tootsie has the most awesome magazine perfect gardens so I know you'll enjoy...

My uploads did not go in the order I intended as I got in a hurry this morning.
The same azalea that bloomed all winter long is budding again. All of the other azaleas are just now budding.

These are some bulbs that I bought at Walmart and will be putting them all in the ground this weekend.
I can't wait to see this beautiful Clematis H.F. Young.

Oh and this awesome Peony.

Beautiful Dahlias.

Well it's that time each week to flaunt our flowers or whatever you want to flaunt. Ya'll head on over to our dear friend Tootsie Time and check out all of the other bloggers flaunting their stuff. Tootsie has the most awesome magazine perfect gardens so I know you'll enjoy...

My uploads did not go in the order I intended as I got in a hurry this morning.
The same azalea that bloomed all winter long is budding again. All of the other azaleas are just now budding.
These are some bulbs that I bought at Walmart and will be putting them all in the ground this weekend.
I can't wait to see this beautiful Clematis H.F. Young.
Oh and this awesome Peony.
Beautiful Dahlias.
Pear tree is beginning to blossom.

The peach tree in bloom.

Lettuce is coming along very nicely. Looks like soon I'll be able to eat a salad.

The broccoli is doing very well.

Planted lots of seeds last weekend.

I mentioned earlier this week about changing up my seeds start mix by adding in some organic potting mix. This is going to allow a much easier transfer to the gardens. I tried different containers that are on the cheap side. Drink bottles and milk carton. I punched holes in the bottoms and cut them to about 3" high and they are perfect. Plenty of soil for the seeds and will permit better root growth.

I already have a couple breaking the surface. The Shasta Alaska Daisy and the Sweet Pea Everlasting and Sweet William 'Sooty'. I'm sure the others will be up this weekend.

A little color on the ground. Snapdragon I purchased on clearance. They are re-blooming and lots of new buds. Those daffodils I don't expect them to bloom since they were just planted in Mid Jan.
The peach tree in bloom.
Lettuce is coming along very nicely. Looks like soon I'll be able to eat a salad.
The broccoli is doing very well.
Planted lots of seeds last weekend.
I mentioned earlier this week about changing up my seeds start mix by adding in some organic potting mix. This is going to allow a much easier transfer to the gardens. I tried different containers that are on the cheap side. Drink bottles and milk carton. I punched holes in the bottoms and cut them to about 3" high and they are perfect. Plenty of soil for the seeds and will permit better root growth.
I already have a couple breaking the surface. The Shasta Alaska Daisy and the Sweet Pea Everlasting and Sweet William 'Sooty'. I'm sure the others will be up this weekend.
A little color on the ground. Snapdragon I purchased on clearance. They are re-blooming and lots of new buds. Those daffodils I don't expect them to bloom since they were just planted in Mid Jan.
Johnson's Blue Geranium is greening up.

The Red Breadseed Poppies seem to be happy here.

Isn't this a crocus. I have tons of these growing up under a tree in the shade. I will have to re-locate them when it's time.

I did some direct sowing last evening. I planted some Foxglove (thanks Tatyana) and Red Melon Poppies (thanks Tatyana) and more Red Breadseed Poppies.
The Red Breadseed Poppies seem to be happy here.
Isn't this a crocus. I have tons of these growing up under a tree in the shade. I will have to re-locate them when it's time.
I did some direct sowing last evening. I planted some Foxglove (thanks Tatyana) and Red Melon Poppies (thanks Tatyana) and more Red Breadseed Poppies.
Busy weekend ahead. The weather is suppose to be a breezy 65 for highs both Sat and Sun. Lots of garden work to do and to my utility room. It is still torn apart since I am trying to get some shelving in and not to mention that my washer is not fixed. Brought back to me but it doesn't work. Gotta get a new plan so I can wash.
Hope you all have a great weekend and that you enjoy each day like it was your last. Don't forget to tell your loved ones that you love them.
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